I just received these pictures tonight-I just love them. These are from the very first time Heidi and Scott had Jonas in their arms. So, so precious! He is the cutest thing. The joy just radiates from all of them. What a beautiful sight!
Heidi said that he is an even bigger blessing than they could even have imagined. What an awesome God we serve!!!!
Please continue to pray for safe travels as they will be leaving Ethiopia in just a few hours to begin their journey home.
Scott and Heidi, you are blessed. What a handsome addition to your family. Praying for and trusting God to provide you with smooth sailing throughout you return trip.
Gerry De Jong
So beautiful. Wow!
he is the most beautiful thing ever (aside from my kiddos :) )
can't wait to meet him!
Hello! We've been following your blog and were hoping that you'd add ours to your list! We just started our adoption process for Ethiopia this week and want to meet as many people in the process as possible! :) Our blog is http://jon-lindsay-andpups.blogspot.com/
we just started our first fundraisers of an ipod raffle and selling our adoption tshirts! Thanks so much!
Lindsay and Jon
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