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I really shouldn't call it the baby bump anymore as it's much bigger than a little bump... it's more like a mountain:) This week's embrace the camera is me and little Sunshine. I'm 26 weeks and feel pretty good. She's really moving and kicking throughout the day, but especially at night or when I sit at the desk chair she becomes so active. It's crazy that at this point with the twins pregnancy I had gained the same amount of weight as this baby... nuts. I guess it's normal to gain more weight with your second pregnancy. I don't have any cravings but for sweets of any kind... you name it, I love it, oh how I miss them. I gave them up for Lent... it's been a real challenge but worth spending time in prayer. I know one thing I can't have is onions oh boy do they give me heartburn. You know what they say about heartburn .. she could have a lot of hair. It's still hard to believe I'm pregnant especially chasing after 3 little ones time is just flying by. Some days I stop and think am I really pregnant? It's such a blessing and I'm just so thankful God chose me to carry another one of his children.
I want to enjoy every minute of this as it's such a gift.
The twins jumped in for a quick picture ... Jonas was napping
Thank you Lord for answering my prayers. I have always wanted to be a mom more than anything and now I get to be one to 4 children. I feel so blessed and honored that you trust me to care for your babies to further your kingdom. Even on the tough days it's all worth it, to feel the unconditional love all around me.
beautiful photos! :)
You look beautiful!!! Your bump fits you like a glove!! Make me want to be preggers again :) Your twinners are so cute!!!
You look amazing! Hot Mama! :)
You are gorgeous! congrats
Those are great pictures of the bump!
You look fantastic!! Congratulations on baby #4!
You look FANTASTIC!!! Love the baby bump pictures :)
And I just ordered the cute dress Brooke has on for both the girls to wear this summer--so excited about matching!!!
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