Monday, May 9, 2011

Great Idea!

Our friend Heather's heart has been stirred to make a difference and to focus on what really matters to God. She has read a few inspiring books, ones that open your eyes to surrendering your life for Jesus by helping those in need. Here's a short version of her story...

One day she entered into a cute boutique where she saw a purse she so desperately wanted. The purse's price tag was very high, so she controlled her strong desire to buy it and walked away. She still occasionally thought about returning to the store to buy it but instead God used that desire to help her come up with this GREAT fundraiser to raise money for the children of Ethiopia. She has named it One Purse- it's a purse swap party, where you bring your gently used purses and a donation of $10. For every 10 dollars donated you are given a clothes pin to put on the purse you desire. If multiple people like the same purse then there will be a drawing of the names and the one picked will receive the purse. I don't know about you but I know I always have an extra purse that I can do without. All the money raised is going to serve the children at the care point in Ethiopia called Trees of Glory. This last Saturday was a great turn out and Praise God she raised $500. Isn't that Awesome!? What a success, Heather is going to continue by having others host a One Purse Party, the money raised will continue to be given to the freshwater well project at Trees of Glory. For more information on the project please click here. I know she would love our support... if you are local and would like to donate your gently used purses or host a party please let me know and I can get them to her or contact her yourself by email 
She is working on launching a blog for One Purse, once it's up and going I will let you know. It's just so exciting to see what God can do with someone's once desire to buy a purse and turn it into his Glory of helping his children in need.  It's such a blessing to be around friends that inspire me. I think I was on a God high all day knowing he's opening the eyes of friends all around me. 

This is the verse she put on each purse 
Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail.. for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12: 33-34 


Amy said...

That is a great idea! Love it!

Unknown said...

i love this idea!

Deborah said...

What a great idea. I'll look forward to hearing more about it. See you at the airport.

Karen said...

Heidi - Heather contacted me about her donation for the well project at TOG but I just now found out about her purse fund-raiser!!! What an incredibly creative idea!! I LOVE IT! Heather has contacted me about sponsorship and as soon as we have more children enroll at TOG (hopefully very soon), I will be in touch with her to match her with a child!! Congrats on your pregnancy - you have such a precious family! blessings - Karen Wistrom

Zoey said...

Very nice blog you haave here