Besides having great weather another great thing about living in Fl is all the theme parks and great activities you can do with your kids. This year we took an overnight trip to Gaylord Palms hotel where they had a special event called Shrek ICE. It was a series of rooms you walk through that everything was sculptured with ice. The temperature was freezing just below 30 degrees and for us Floridians that's cold :)
Which gave an extra boost of energy for the kids as they were hyper..
One of the funniest parts was Jonas as he walked he looked like a penguin with his big blue jacket ..
we all couldn't stop laughing
The kids had a ball and just loved every part of it ...
Even Kate liked the cold and the pretty pink dragon
I think you can tell who had the most fun!
We told him he was in the out house where Shrek goes potty and he thought that was funny...
There was multiple slides you could choose to go down JONAS was obsessed and it was hard to keep up with him as he would slide down and then immanently go running up the stairs to do it again. He really didn't get the concept of waiting in line so, we had to find the one with the shortest line. He would ask the guy to push him so he would go faster and boy did he fly down it fast because of weighing less. Brooke got the hang of sitting on the inside of her jacket to pick up speed... but they raced once and Jonas still won. He would have done it a hundred times but our fingers were frozen.. next time gloves are a must.

Click here for more details
1 comment:
This is so cool!!! I wish we had something like this in Arizona!!!
Lots of health and happiness in 2012!
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